- CBC;
- a recent EKG (not older than one month) and CARDIOLOGICAL EVALUATION including the consent of the cardiologist for ophthalmic surgery;
- ECHOCARDIOGRAM – for patients with heart disease (atrial fibrillation, stents, pacemaker or other important chronic heart disease).
ATTENTION: Analyses are absolutely mandatory for all surgeries, except for those that refer to the reduction of diopters with laser, where blood tests are not needed. Do not drink coffee on the surgery day!
If the patient:
- comes to the surgery without analyses, the surgery can be postponed;
- is undergoing medical treatment, for other conditions, it should also be given on the day of surgery;
- is under treatment with anticoagulants, you need to talk to your doctor or cardiologist about the replacement of the treatment during surgery.
All surgeries are done with local anesthesia, with injection or droplets, and without hospitalisation, the surgery being supervised by the anesthesiologist.