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Now you can book online evaluations!

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In order to be able to be permanently in touch with your doctor, we are launching a new service: online ophthalmological evaluation. This will be a new tool in order to reduce the time you spend in the clinic and can be used for:

– Evaluation before consultation

– Evaluation before surgery

– Evaluation after surgery

During the online meeting, the doctor will evaluate your problem in order to give you the most appropriate advice, will provide information regarding your medical condition or about ophthalmological issues of your interest.

How does it work?

Step 1: Ask for an online evaluation, deciding on the date and time of the meeting.

Step 2: You will receive by email the confirmation of the date and time of the appointment, the link for your online meeting and the link for the payment.

Step 3: At the date and time established, you will get in touch with your doctor of choice through Zoom, which can be easily accessed through any smartphone, tablet or computer.

Ask for an online evaluation

* IMPORTANT! These online evaluations DO NOT replace a proper ophthalmological consultation but are for information purposes only!

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